Aletheia Guild Project Dialogue

Luc Lalande
3 min readJul 17, 2019

Project Dialogue is a community-based arts project encouraging innovation in the application of advanced software tools to create what is popularly referred to as “generative art”.

The project is coined as a “Dialogue” whereby the participants are “conversing” through the act of curiosity-driven exploration, creative experimentation and self-expression through the co-creation of a work of art.

photo credit: Vicky Castledine (Background image produced by theSpace using Tinkersynth tool and foreground frames laser-cut by CNC Ottawa)

The Co-Creators

theSpace — A non-profit social creative studio for individuals with autism and intellectual disabilities

theSpace: production of background images using Tinkersynth

Tinkersynth is an experimental art project. It lets you create unique generative art

The prototype foreground wood frames (pictured at the top of this post) were originally designed and fabricated by Lauchlin Burnett with the support of CNC Ottawa at Makerspace North

As the project evolved, the Aletheia Guild approached Canada’s 1st indigenous FabLab — FabLab ONAKI — to collaborate with theSpace autism centre to design and fabricate custom frames (see images below).

Prototype laser-cut foreground frame by Justin (FabLab ONAKI) with background image produced by theSpace

The Aletheia Guild is currently exploring the potential of hosting an art exhibit this Fall with the theme of “More Trees” inspired by Top Shelf Distillers#MORETREES environmental initiative.

The Inspiration — Inaugural Tech + Art Event ( May 2019 at Canvaspop) featuring Tinkersynth creator Josh Comeau

Josh Comeau — Tinkersynth creator (check out his Patreon page!)
Josh Comeau/Tinkersynth Presentation at inaugural Tech + Art Event at Canvaspop (May 2 2019)

In Josh’s words: “It [Tinkersynth] lets you create unique generative art by making serendipitous discoveries through experimentation. More concretely, Tinkersynth is a design tool where you build art by poking at sliders and buttons. The goal isn’t to provide a linear path to a specific piece of art, but rather to encourage experimentation. Tinkersynth prioritizes being delighted by unexpected effects rather than creating an intuitive, predictable tool.

A beautiful composite of images generated by Tinkersynth and created by Andrew at theSpace

Future Directions

To be discovered. We are open to new ideas and encourage you to email the Aletheia Guild or contact Makerspace North.



Luc Lalande

Cultivating innovation by connecting ideas to people, people to ideas.